*On Wednesday I got to chaperone a field trip to to Brunswick Zone for Sara's class. It is a really cool place and I'm thinking I may have Sara's birthday party there in November. Check it out for yourself; http://www.bowlbrunswick.com/ What's sad though, is I only bowled a 68, Sara even beat me (although she had bumpers and I didn't).
*On Friday, Hailey took her drivers' test. I have to admit, we did NOT think she would pass. She really didn't have that many hours of driving in with us and seemed a little unsure of her own driving skills. Not to mention that she was going to use my car, the one that was hit in the accident, because it was smaller and she felt better in it. She instead took her test in the Ford Freestyle, which is quite big in comparison to the Civic. Duke texted me at about 9:54am letting me know of the start of her test and that he was "freaking out". Well....
*On Saturday, Jesse had his senior pictures taken by Tina Vega, who is just an awesome photographer to work with, she made Jesse feel so comfortable and Hailey has already proclaimed that "Tina will be doing my pictures next year." Check her out here www.tinavegaphotography.com or here http://tinavega.blogspot.com We have already seen some of her shots of Jesse on her blog and they are just incredible!
I look forward to what this week has to offer but I think it will be hard to top the week we just had.
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